Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Team Bonding.

Every team needs to be able to get along with each other. When everyone on a college team come from different places, and believe in different things, the team needs to get to know each other so that they are comfortable with each other and trust each other.

A way to do this is through team bonding. Have your team get together about once a week and do activities to "break the ice" between each other. There are many things your team can do to have a good time. You could go out to a movie then out to eat. Or stay in the dorms and have a movie night.

Having a team that gets along together helps them play together too. They trust each other to make the play or get a hit. They respect each other and help each other when one is having a rough time. It's like having another family.


  1. Team bonding = Team retreat! It was so much fun playing dodge ball with everyone and doing the scavenger hunt :)

  2. Just from an outsider's point of view you guys really seem like a family. I know how it feels to be part of a family because my high school band was like that.
