Saturday, February 18, 2012


Defense is crucial to the game of softball. In order to have a working defense, everyone on the team needs to know what is going on at all times. Everyone needs to have their head in the game and be ready to make a play. The catcher can see everything that is going on on the field and should be communicating a lot. The middle infielders should be talking to the outfielders letting them know what the play is gonna be or what the pitch is so they can be ready. Everyone works together to get the outs, and get on offense as soon as possible. Every team has some type of plays they use to try to and confuse the runners so they can catch them off guard and get them out easier. For example, if there is a runner on first and third, the catcher may throw the ball to short stop after the pitch to try to get the third base runner to head for home.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone works together so intensely its hard to believe when you are watching the game from the sidelines. Softball and baseball just sometimes seem so individual from the spectator's point of view. So thank you for enlightening me :D
