Saturday, February 4, 2012


Sunday through Friday, 5am till about 5:30-5:45, my teammates and I are working our butts off. We are either lifting or doing some kind of running workout. If you are looking for some ideas on what do to for a work out, I have plenty of ideas for you. You can go to a gym and do a number of things. My favorite would be Big Ben. Big Ben is basically doing a suicide, but it is broken down into five different stages. You start by sprinting to the free throw line then jogging the rest of the way down the court eight times. Then you sprint to the free throw line back to the end line then sprint to half court, then jog the rest of the way down the court six times. Next, you sprint to free throw and back, half court and back, then other free throw and then jog to rest of the way down the court four times. After that you, sprint to the free throw and back, half court and back, to the other free throw and back then sprint to the end line two times. Finally you do a full suicide once. Then we go back down doing each one again. You can also do pain pyramids, which is where you start at the base line sprint to the other end of the court and back, that is one. You then go up to at least five, sprinting each down and back. Conditioning isn't any one's favorite thing, but running as much as we do for softball is getting us in great shape for our approaching season.

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