Friday, February 10, 2012


  Some people think hitting is the best and most easiest part of softball. All you have to do is stand at the plate, watch the pitch and swing right? WRONG! There is more to hitting than that. 

There are a lot of different ways one can hit. Everyone has their own style, yet everyone has the same technique. You want to keep your elbows up, eyes on the ball the entire time; starting in the pitchers hand till it is either in the zone for you to hit or in the catchers glove, your feet need to be balanced; not to wide and not too narrow, and you want to stand straight not bent over to much. 

I was always taught that if the pitcher was faster you stood more in the back of the batters box so you had more time to see the ball, and if the pitcher is slower you want to stand in the front of the batters box so you can time it better. 

When hitting you have to be patient and wait for the right pitch. Don't swing at the high ones or the low ones. Stay focused on the pitch up the middle and don't let it fly by you!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that everyone has to find the right swing that works for them. Just make sure you're being careful about where you stand at the plate. You should stay consistent and hold your load longer on a slow pitcher. On a faster pitcher, you dont want to move too far back in the box or you won't be able to get a hold of the ball until after the pitch breaks.
