Sunday, February 26, 2012


In softball you have to know how to slide. You always want to slide into second, third, and home when there is a play being made at that base. By sliding you are trying to avoid being tagged, running into the other player, and you are causing the other player to try to tag you before the ball is in their glove causing them to make an error. When sliding you want to try to keep your hands up and not to drag them behind you. You also want to slide in a way where you can easily get up so you can keep running if the ball has been over thrown. When at first, you never slide feet first back to the bag, you dive back. You want to be far enough away so that you are not flopping onto your stomach right at the base. If you have trouble sliding, you can always practice in the grass after it has rained.


  1. I would think sliding would be the most fun part! :D

    1. because of it being like a slip and slide and that is so childish and everything childish is fun!
