Saturday, February 18, 2012

Early practices.

Most teams have practices in the afternoon on the week days, and maybe around 8am on Saturdays. High school teams usually do this. You would never think about having practice at 5am on a school day in high school would you?

I never thought about having softball at 5am when I was in high school either. But now that I'm in college we have practices at 5am Monday-Friday and on Sundays we practice from 8:30-11am. It is no different then having practice in the afternoon, other than be a little more tired than usual. I think it is nice because I feel refreshed for the rest of the day. It also gives me more time in the evening to do other things with friends.

1 comment:

  1. It must take a lot of dedication to get up at 4am and then go to practice at 5. I know I could never do it. Go DC softball! :D
